and the Interaction API
By Thomas Galligan
Writing a Discord Bot is a great opportunity to learn to code, or learn to use your coding abilities
and see what you can achieve
Why Javascript?
Javascript has been the most commonly-used programming language for the 9th year in a row, so
resources to get help and learn will be out there, and if you run into a problem, someoene else
has (probably) already fixed it.
Almost everyone who's used Discord has interacted with a bot at some point.
They can provide instrumental uses in certain communities... Such as...
Recently, Discord have decided they want to change the way bots work
Previously, a bot would listen to every message in every guild it is invited to, whereas now,
special "interactions" are formed between a user and a bot
The most common of which is the "slash command"
The good about Slash Commands
They provide an interface to allow one to see how to run the command, as they are writing the command
The bad about Slash Commands
They make it more difficult to do more traditional discord bot functions, like simple messsage
scanning, censoring etc...
Intro to Slashing
Slash commands need to be registered, to provide a user interface to use a command that can store
Parameter Data Types
What can you do with a Discord bot?
Make a game
This bot implements a Pokemon game system wherein you "catch" pokemon, and can trade and compete
in PVP and many other features
But not all bots are simply just bots alone.
Both of the (current) Netsoc discord bots have an API as well as a discord bot interface
Now lets look at a bad example of a Discord Bot